Monday, March 31, 2014

"There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ."
- In Christ Alone

Overcome by the amazing love and grace of God this evening, I found myself kneeling, face to the floor in prayer, in thanksgiving, in praise. What a wonderful God I serve! My prayer is that you know the wonder of his love and the grace available to you as well! 

In the last several weeks, I found myself wrestling with my depressions, wrestling with a sometimes overwhelming sense of loneliness, anger, frustration and overall unrest. It wouldn't take one long to recognize that the last several weeks have had enough trouble and stress to make me this way, but I had lost my way, lost my joy, lost my hope, lost my focus. 

In Living the Cross Centered Life, C.J. Mahaney writes, "What will bring rest and release is spending more time meditating on the cross and the God of the cross. So I point to the cross of Christ, for there's no great encouragement, and no greater motivation for everything God has called you to do and experience in life, than to recognize His love for you in His darkest hour, and to receive His care for you in your darkest hour" (page98). 

I wouldn't say that my darkest hour was today, but I did realize that by focusing on the cross I gained what I needed the most; focusing on the sacrifice and love of Jesus has given me rest, encouragement and strength. When I focus on the cross, where Jesus' reality was being forsaken, being alone, having taken the abandonment we deserved on himself, then I realize my minor suffering is known by him. I know that there is hope for tomorrow, and however I may feel right now is temporary. When I realize I never have to be alone, there is joy to be found. Nehemiah 8:10 reads, "the joy of the Lord is your strength." 

May the sacrifice of Jesus and forgiveness offered by that sacrifice be yours today! May the joy of the Lord truly be your strength today! I'm amazed by God's great grace, by his sacrifice, by his love for me. I am amazed! Are you in awe of the great love of Christ for you? He suffered that our darkest days would only be temporary. 

I don't mean to be "preachy" in this blog, but simply share how incredible the love of the Lord is to me, and I hope to you as well. 

"Dear Lord, thank you for the forgiveness of sins through Jesus' sacrifice.  Thank you that prayer is possible through that sacrifice on the cross. Thank you that if we choose to believe in you, acknowledging our sin and need of a Savior, that you offer us forgiveness. You endured God's wrath for my sins that the relationship with God could exist. Thank you for your Holy Spirit, given to dwell with me, lead me, guide me and strengthen me every day. Bless me and bless those that share in your salvation, that we would have all we need to obey you. Motivate us with the memory of the cross to do the work you have set out for us to do. Thank you, Heavenly Father. In Jesus' precious name, Amen." 

1 comment:

  1. This made me think of my own loneliness. We just bought a house in a place where we don't know anyone. I feel so alone and I don't have the military family anymore so I feel so alone. I don't even know how to start to make friends. I feel crippled sometimes. Jose basically live in Afghanistan and come to visit us. He hasn't even got to sleep in our new house. I was left staying in hotels just the kids and I, while we waited for the house to close. Then I had to move in all by myself. Things are strain to come together now so it's getting easier. I hope it starts to get easier for you soon
